- 박영민 교수 세미나 안내 - 12월 18일(목)
- 관리자 |
- 2014-12-11 17:22:12|
- 9550
Title: Dural actions of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Protein X as LPS chelator and Bactericide: A promising therapeutic potential in Gram negative bacteria- induced sepsis
Speaker: 박 영 민 교수 (Dept. of Immunology, Lab of Dendritic Cell Differentiation & Regulation, College of Medicine, Konkuk University)
Date: 2014. 12. 18 (Thursday), PM 4:00
Venue: #2113, BioMedical Research Bldg.
Inquiry: Prof. Heung Kyu Lee (Tel. 350-4241)
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