- [비정기세미나] Tuomas Tammela, M.D.,Ph.D.(Assistant Professor, Weill-Cornell College of Medicine)-1/3(Thur.)
- 관리자 |
- 2019-01-28 16:29:56|
- 4240
의과학대학원 비정기 세미나를 아래와 같이 안내드립니다.
- 아 래 -
Title: Targeting cellular heterogeneity in cancer
Speaker: Tuomas Tammela, M.D.,Ph.D.(Assistant Professor, Weill-Cornell College of Medicine)
▪ Date: 2019. 1. 3(Thur.), AM 10:30
▪ Venue: #2113, BioMedical Research Bldg.
▪ Inquiry: Prof. Gou Young Koh (Tel. 350-5638)
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