- 해외 저명교수 초청 Dr. David Corry / Dr. Farrah Kheradmand 세미나 안내 - 5월 16일 (목)
- 관리자 |
- 2013-05-13 12:06:47|
- 9651
2013년도 봄학기 세미나
Title: Airway fibrinogenolysis and the regulation of allergic airway inflammation Speaker: Dr. David Corry (Professor of Medicine & Immunology, Director, Biology of Inflammation Center, Baylor College of Medicine,)
Title: Autoreactive T cells in pathophysiology of emphysema Speaker: Dr. Farrah Kheradmand (Professor of Medicine and Immunology, Baylor College of Medicine,)
Date: 2013. 5. 16 (Thursday), PM 3:30 Venue: #2113, Biomedical Research Bldg.
Inquiry: Prof. Seung-Hyo Lee (Tel. 350-4235)
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