• [시간변경] 해외 저명교수 초청 세미나 안내 - 10월 8일 (화)
  • 관리자 |
  • 2013-10-02 09:23:57|
  • 9221



의과학대학원 해외 저명교수 초청 세미나를 아래와 같이 안내하여 드립니다.




 - 아   래 -



세미나 1.


Title : Integrins as force-regulated traction machines


Speaker : Prof. Timothy A. Springer, PhD 

             (Latham Family Professor, Dept. of Biological Chemistry & Molecular Pharmacoogy, Harvard MedicalSchool, Program in Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Children's Hospitla Boston)



세미나 2.


Title : ReaLiSM (Receptor and Ligand in a Single Molecule) in NanoBiology: Force for Novel Paradigm in Biological Processes

Speaker : Jongseong Kim, PhD 

             (Dept. of Biological Chemistry & Molecular Pharmacoogy, Harvard MedicalSchool, Program in Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Children's Hospitla Boston)



Date : 2013. 10. 8 (Tuesday), AM 10:30


Venue : #2113, Biomedical Research Center


Inquiry : Prof. Seung-Hyo Lee (Tel. 350-4235)



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