- [ADVANCED SCIENCE] APP-C31: An Intracellular Promoter of Both Metal-Free and Metal-Bound Amyloid-β40 Aggregation and
- 관리자 |
- 2024-07-03 17:02:07|
- 150
APP-C31: An Intracellular Promoter of Both Metal-Free and Metal-Bound Amyloid-β<sub>40</sub> Aggregation and Toxicity in Alzheimer's Disease
Eunju Nam, Yuxi Lin, Jiyong Park, Hyunsu Do, Jiyeon Han, Bohyeon Jeong, Subin Park,Da Yong Lee, Mingeun Kim, Jinju Han,* Mu-Hyun Baik,* Young-Ho Lee,*and Mi Hee Lim
Advanced Science Volume11, Issue4, January 26, 2024, 2307182
Intracellular C-terminal cleavage of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) is elevated in the brains of Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients and produces a peptide labeled APP-C31 that is suspected to be involved in the pathology of AD. But details about the role of APP-C31 in the development of the disease are not known. Here, this work reports that APP-C31 directly interacts with the N-terminal and self-recognition regions of amyloid-β40 (Aβ40) to form transient adducts, which facilitates the aggregation of both metal-free and metal-bound Aβ40 peptides and aggravates their toxicity. Specifically, APP-C31 increases the perinuclear and intranuclear generation of large Aβ40 deposits and, consequently, damages the nucleus leading to apoptosis. The Aβ40-induced degeneration of neurites and inflammation are also intensified by APP-C31 in human neurons and murine brains. This study demonstrates a new function of APP-C31 as an intracellular promoter of Aβ40 amyloidogenesis in both metal-free and metal-present environments, and may offer an interesting alternative target for developing treatments for AD that have not been considered thus far.