

Star Library

당뇨병, 비만, 지방간

  • 042-350-0237
  • bhparkut@kaist.ac.kr
  • 대사 리프로그래밍 연구실
  • 연구분야

    대사리프로그래밍 연구실은 당뇨병, 비만, 지방간과 같은 대사질환의 진행 과정에서 대사리프로그래밍이 어떻게 조절되는지 연구하고 있다. 이 과정에서 대사리프로그래밍 조절 특정 효소를 제어할 수 있는 소분자화합물 혹은 PROTAC을 개발하여 대사질환에 대한 혁신적인 치료 전략을 제시하고자 한다.

    The laboratory is dedicated to understanding how metabolic reprogramming contributes to the advancement of metabolic diseases. At the same time, we are proactively engaged in creating small molecules or protein degraders tailored to target precise metabolic reprogramming enzymes. Our goal is to pioneer novel therapeutic strategies for metabolic diseases.

  • Major
    • Hwang Chan Yu, Yong Geun Jeon, Ann Yae Na, Chang Yeob Han, Mi Rin Lee, Jae Do Yang, Hee Chul Yu, Jung Beom Son, Nam Doo Kim, Jae Bum Kim, Sangkyu Lee, Eun Ju Bae*, and Byung-Hyun Park* PAK4 counteracts PKA dependent lipolysis by phosphorylating FABP4 and HSL. Nat. Metab. (2024)

      6(1): 94-112

    • Min Yan Shi, Hwang Chan Yu, Chang Yeob Han, In Hyuk Bang, Ho Sung Park, Kyu Yun Jang, Jeong Bum Son, Nam Doo Kim, Byung-Hyun Park*, and Eun Ju Bae* p21-activated kinase 4 suppresses fatty acid β-oxidation and ketogenesis by phosphorylating NCoR1. Nat. Commun. (2023)

      14: 4987

    • Mi-Young Song, Chang Yeob Han, Young Jae Moon, Ju-Hyung Lee, Eun Ju Bae*, and Byung-Hyun Park* Sirt6 reprograms myofibers to oxidative type through CREB-dependent Sox6 suppression. Nat. Commun. (2022)
