암세포에서는 세포핵 크기와 형태 항상성 교란이 빈번하다. 또한 핵막의 일시적 파열과 복구가 반복되는 것으로 추정된다. 우리 실험실은 암세포 핵막 이상 및 복구의 기전과, 핵막 불안정성이 암 발달에 미치는 영향을 연구한다. 그리고 핵막 불안정성이라는 특성에 기반한 합성치사 항암제 후보를 탐색한다.
In cancer cells, disturbances in nuclear size and shape homeostasis are frequent. It is also presumed that transient rupture and repair of the nuclear envelope occur repeatedly. Our laboratory studies the mechanisms of nuclear envelope abnormalities and repair in cancer cells, as well as the impact of nuclear envelope instability on cancer development. Furthermore, we explore synthetic lethal anti-cancer drug candidates based on the characteristic of nuclear envelope instability. -
Shin E, Kwon Y, Jung E, Kim YJ, Kim C, Hong S, & Kim J. TM4SF19 controls GABP-dependent YAP transcription in head and neck cancer under oxidative stress conditions. PNAS (2024) 13;121(7):e2314346121.
Seo J, Kim H, Min KI, Kim C, Kwon Y, Zheng Z, Kim Y, Park HS, Ju YS, Roh MR, Chung KY, & Kim J. Weight-bearing activity impairs nuclear membrane and genome integrity via YAP activation in plantar melanoma. Nat Commun (2022) 13: 2214.
Kim YJ, Jung E, Shin E, Hong SH, Jeong HS, Hur G, Jeong HY, Lee SH, Lee JE, Kim GW, & Kim J. Genome-wide RNA interference screening reveals a COPI-MAP2K3 pathway required for YAP regulation. PNAS (2020) 117:19994-20003.
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