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간질환(Hepatology) 및 신경면역대사 축(Neuro-Immuno-Metabolism Axis)

  • 042-350-0214 (lab. 042-350-0414)
  • wijeong@kaist.ac.kr
  • 간질환 연구실
  • 연구분야

    본 연구실에서는 간 (Liver)과 관련된 질환 기전규명 및 치료제 개발을 목표로 하고 있다.
    특히, 비알코올성 및 알코올성 간질환 발생기전을 규명하고자 간내 대사작용 뿐만 아니라 면역반응과 신경학적 경로를 통합적으로 분석하여 신경면역 대사 축(Neuro-Immuno-Metabolic Axis)의 불균형이 간질환 발생에 중요한 원인임을 규명하고자 한다.
    또한 실험동물 및 환자샘플을 활용하여 도출한 연구결과를 임상에 적용하는 중개연구 (Translation research)를 집중적으로 수행하고 있으며, 세포치료연구 (Cell therapy)와 3D 프린터를 활용한 인공간 (Artificial organ) 제작 연구도 본격적으로 수행하고 있다. 이를 통해 대사장기로만 알려져 있던 간에 대한 인식을 전환하고 간질환 병리기전 이해 및 치료제 개발에 기여를 하고자 한다.


    The liver is a vital organ that plays a very important role both metabolically and immunologically. The development of vaccines against hepatitis B virus and the development of direct-acting antivirals against hepatitis C have recently reduced the prevalence of viral hepatitis, one of the major causes of chronic liver disease. However, the incidence of nonalcoholic liver disease due to increased obesity and that of alcoholic liver disease are rapidly increasing. In addition, there is still no effective treatment for hepatocellular carcinoma which is one of the worst prognostic cancer. Our laboratory conducts translational studies on alcoholic and nonalcoholic fatty liver (steatosis), steatohepatitis, and end-stage liver diseases such as liver fibrosis and hepatocellular carcinoma based on various animal models.

  • Major
    • Lee JH, Shim YR, Seo W, Kim MH, Choi WM, Kim HH, Kim YE, Yang K, Ryu T, Jeong JM, Choi HG, Eun HS, Kim SH, Mun H, Yoon JH and Jeong WI. Mitochondrial double-stranded RNA in exosome promotes interleukin-17 production through toll-like receptor 3 in alcoholic liver injury. Hepatology (2020)


    • Choi WM, Kim MH, Cinar R, Yi HS, Eun HS, Kim SH, Choi YJ, Lee YS, Kim SY, Seo W, Lee JH, Shim YR, Kim HH, Kim YE, Hwang JH, Lee CH, Choi HS, Gao B, Kim W, Kim SK, Kunos G and Jeong WI. Glutamate signaling in hepatic stellate cells drives alcoholic steatosis. Cell Metabolism (2019)

      30: 877-889

    • Kim SY, Jeong JM, Kim SJ, Seo W, Kim MH, Choi WM, Yoo W, Lee JH, Shim YR, Yi HS, Lee YS, Eun HS, Lee BS, Chun K, Kim SC, Bin Gao, Kunos G. Kim HM, Jeong WI. Pro-inflammatory hepatic macrophages generate ROS through NADPH oxidase 2 via endocytosis of monomeric TLR4-MD2 complex. Nature Communications (2017)


  • 연구실 소개
    간질환 실험실